Are you tired of having dead spots of yellow grass on your lawn?
Look no further!
What is Pet Lawn Green Up?
Pet Lawn Green Up™ is a concentrated liquid soil amendment for dog and cat owners. Pet urine contains salt and ammonia, both of which can inhibit the ability of grass to uptake nutrients and water. If your soil contains a healthy volume of microorganisms, they will breakdown the ammonia to form nitrate nitrogen which allows your lawn to readily uptake nutrients. If Not, then Pet Lawn Green Up™ can assist you. Pet Lawn Green Up™ will repair these issues.
"Does Pet Lawn Green Up work? Well, I used it and I'm a believer!"
-Kurt from Nebraska
(27 days of treatment)
How do I use Pet Lawn Green Up?
There are two methods of applications to repair the spots:
1. Use a quality 32 oz. hose end sprayer if the lawn has a large area to fix or
2. Add 3-4 ozs of Pet Lawn Green Up™ to 1 gallon of water in a watering can and drench each spot and the surrounding area. The day after application, water for 10 minutes using a standard lawn sprinkler. Thereafter water the affected area once per week for 3 weeks. Repeat as necessary.
Within two weeks marked improvement should be observed in the pet spots and the area surrounding them. The third week the spots should be green and virtually healed. Results may vary depending on the type of soil you have.
Application rate: Depending on soil conditions, it is recommended that 3-4 ozs may be used per square yard. Note: typically, 3-4 ounces of concentrate used in the hose end sprayer will remediate the problem area. For spot treatment 3-4 ozs may be added to a gallon of water in a watering can, and applied on the spots and surrounding area.
Important note: Make sure your soil is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit in order for the Pet Lawn Green Up to work. Results may vary depending on environmental conditions including type of soil and the number of pets you have. Be sure to store the product in an environment at room temperature to ensure best quality and product safety.